March 9, 2008 – Escondido considers options for disposing of excess sewage. The city is feeling the pinch from an increasing amount of sewage needing disposal and is considering several options, including storing it in recreational lakes. Read the entire article at UT San Diego
January 22, 2013
It’s been a while since you’ve heard from EGAP, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been hard at work to keep agriculture in Escondido.
Feel free to contact Eddie or any of the EGAP Board Members for an update. Let us know if you are willing to say a few words on behalf of Escondido Agriculture at the Council Meeting. We’re counting on you!
A recent article published in the Escondido Magazine about Escondido Growers for Agriculture Preservation provides details on our efforts and goals. Read article here: Escondido’s Agriculture – An Economic Engine for the Future
August 31, 2012
Escondido Magazine Features Farming. Check out the fall issue of Escondido Magazine which features several interesting articles on farming, including this one on EGAP and agriculture as an economic engine for the future. Escondido Magazine Article
New Date for First Annual Agriculture Summit: In order to accommodate additional people, we have changed the date for EGAP’s first agriculture summit meeting. The new date is October 3, 2012. The meeting will be held from 11 am to 2 pm at Cocina del Charro restaurant in Escondido.
Lunch will be provided and is sponsored by Grangetto’s Farm and Garden Supply. Please RSVP to
Mark your calendars and don’t miss this important event!
Agriculture Summit to Address Critical Issues: The future of Escondido agriculture is at a crossroads and the upcoming Agriculture Summit will address important issues related to the sustainability of agriculture in the Escondido area. The program will include a variety of guest speakers covering the following topics:
April 2012
We are well into the new year and there are many challenges ahead with respect to ensuring a strong future for agriculture in the Escondido area.
Strategic Water Rate for Agriculture – Holding the line on water rates for growers in 2012 was the first step in developing an agricultural service level and strategic water rate. EGAP will continue to collaborate with the City of Escondido on this critically important issue. More information will be coming soon as the work continues.
Recycled Water Development – Planning and design for delivering recycled water to growers is well under way. EGAP has been supporting the City on a variety of issues, including addressing routing of pipelines, planning for water storage, and establishing water-quality guidelines. Water should be flowing by late 2014 or early 2015. Contact EGAP to find out more.
Business Development Strategic Plan for Escondido – The City has hired a consultant to review business opportunities for Escondido and produce a business development strategic plan. EGAP is participating in this important planning process.